Step 1: Find out why Rating is Important

The Impaakt Team

6 min Read Time | November 25th 2022

Key Takeaways


Impaakt aims to collectively drive change in the impact that companies have on the planet and society. We do this by providing information and tools to the financial industry, corporations, investors, and consumers to critically evaluate these companies’ impact.


To assess the impact of companies and hold them accountable, we are relying on a knowledgeable community.


This community reads and rates impact analyses, thereby giving companies an overall Impact Score.

How does it work?

Looking at all the ways a business can impact the world, from their emissions to their ethics, creating the ultimate sustainability report - the Impact Score.


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We use collective intelligence to measure impact, people from all over the world contribute to Impaakt. Once members are Certified, they write articles about a business’s actions, assessing the environmental & social impact they have.

Our team rigorously vet all articles before publication.


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Our members then weigh-in and decide how positive or negative the impact described in each article is.Join them to have your voice heard and take action by rating our articles, your ratings shape the company Impact Score.


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Anyone can check the Impact Score of a brand or business to see how sustainable they are. It goes from -5 signalling a very negative impact, to +5, a very positive impact. Make an informed decision about which companies you should shop with or invest in by using our Impact Scores.


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The information produced here goes toward creating advanced research, reports & analytics that investors, and financial institutes use to guide their investment decisions, ensuring they only invest in companies that improve our world. Investors also put pressure on companies to change their ways or risk losing their capital.


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We use collective intelligence to measure impact, people from all over the world contribute to Impaakt. Once members are Certified, they write articles about a business’s actions, assessing the environmental & social impact they have.

Our team rigorously vet all articles before publication.


Infographic Rate

Our members then weigh-in and decide how positive or negative the impact described in each article is.Join them to have your voice heard and take action by rating our articles, your ratings shape the company Impact Score.


Infographic Compare

Anyone can check the Impact Score of a brand or business to see how sustainable they are. It goes from -5 signalling a very negative impact, to +5, a very positive impact. Make an informed decision about which companies you should shop with or invest in by using our Impact Scores.


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The information produced here goes toward creating advanced research, reports & analytics that investors, and financial institutes use to guide their investment decisions, ensuring they only invest in companies that improve our world. Investors also put pressure on companies to change their ways or risk losing their capital.

What is your role in this?

As an Impact Rater, you are in charge of reading and rating the analyses published by the Impact Analysts. Based on all the information that has been collected and summarised, Impact Raters assess whether the specific impact of the company described in the Impact Analysis is positive or negative and how small/large the scale, scope, and irremediability of each of these impacts are.

Your ratings feed into our algorithm that produces the company's overall impact score (on a scale of -5 to +5). With this overall score, investors can hold companies accountable for their impact on the planet. It is an indicator that lets you and others recognize whether a company is positively or negatively impacting the world.

With your ratings, we are changing the world.

Here is an example of Amazon:

You can find out more about our frameworks in this article and methodology in this one.

We strongly believe in crowd intelligence to rate companies. However, ratings must be substantiated with critical thinking.

Clients use the data produced through analyses (quantitative and qualitative data) and ratings (by company, but also SDG, ILG, and Product vs Processes).

Thanks to your contribution, they are making informed investment decisions and driving change in our economies!

Over 3,000 companies on our platform

So head there to start rating their impact!

Read & Rate


Based on the article you've just read, here are some more we think you'd be interested in.

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Step 3: Learn How to Assess Impact

Learn how to rate the environmental and social impact of companies.

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Steps to get started as an Impact Rater

Pass your Rater certification by following these 5 simple steps.

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Step 4: Consider the Golden Rules when Rating

Keep in mind our basic Golden Rules when assessing the impact of companies.

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Step 5: Go Beyond Rating

Learn about the report function and companies' advance reports.

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Step 2: Understand Impact when Rating

Learn to assess the different dimensions of impact when rating.

World Green Background Sustainability small

Let’s take action together

With the right investment companies having a positive impact on the planet are able to flourish. Our community forms part of that mission by measuring their impact.

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