Our Frameworks

The Impaakt Team

53 min Read Time | August 2nd 2022


1. Explanation of the different frameworks used by Impaakt

2. Topic Matrix by Industry and by Sector

3. Description of each topic on our platform

4. Compilation of frameworks for each topic

     4.1 Core Business Impact Topics

     4.2 (Digital) Environmental & Social Solutions

     4.3 Frameworks for Topics that apply to all industries

     4.4 Frameworks for Topics that are industry-specific    


When we started Impaakt, we decided only to analyse the impact through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Although they can capture various essential impacts across multiple industries and activities, they can often overlap.

Because measuring current impact is inherently complex and multifaceted, a framework will always have limitations.

We have implemented new frameworks simultaneously to provide multi-dimensional classifications and assess impact through different lenses.

Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations)

At Impaakt, we use the SDGs as an analytical framework to help our contributors structure their work. Our clients compare the impact of different companies according to well-defined, standardised themes.

You can find out more herehttps://app.impaakt.com/sdgs

Impact Categories (Impaakt)


The impact described is related to the company's sector of activities, i.e., WHAT they sell. The impact is generated while using their products & services, not when they are manufactured/produced. 

Some examples include:

  • Essential needs being covered by the products & services offered by the company (e.g., access to water and nutrition, provision of healthcare or education, mobility, etc.)
  • Pollution or environmental issues generated while using the company's products & services (e.g., driving a car)
  • Health issues related to the consumption of the company's products and services (e.g., screen addiction, obesity, etc.)

The impact described is related to the company's operations, i.e., HOW they run their business.

Some examples include:

  • Pollution or resource depletion related to the manufacturing or distributing the goods and services (e.g., oil spill, GHG emissions at plant level)
  • Social or environmental impacts on the companies' employees, suppliers, or local communities where production occurs (e.g., diversity and inclusion, labour practices, etc.)
  • Job creation, labour practices, or workforce health & safety.
  • Impacts related to bribery, money laundering, or anti-competitive behaviour.
Taxes & Philanthropy

The impact described is related to the company's contribution to TAXES & philanthropic initiatives, such as through CHARITABLE programs (carried by the company itself or the corporate foundation). 

Some examples include:

  • Net tax paid
  • The distribution of the company's products and services for free or at a reduced cost.
  • Provision of grants to charitable organisations.
  • Pro-bono work done by the company's staff.
  • Manufacturing plants used to produce emergency supplies for free or at a cost outside the company's core activities (e.g., textile companies manufacturing masks during pandemics).
  • Support to local communities or people in distress.

Investment Leaders Group Themes (Investment Leaders Group, convened by the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL))

The ILG themes started to get momentum in the sustainable finance industry. It is "a global network of pension funds, insurers and asset managers, with over £14 trillion under management and advice".

This framework allows us to:

1/ Get the social + environmental score of a company

2/ Give the capacity for clients to view a company's impact based on the ILG themes

Using the SDGs as a reference point, the group came up with a framework to analyse impacts split by six broader themes that are either:


  • Basic Needs

  • Well-being

  • Decent Work


  • Resource security

  • Healthy Ecosystems

  • Climate stability


Impact Topics

The Impaakt Team has conducted extensive research for 77 industries across 11 sectors to identify the most pertinent social and environmental impacts.

Some impact topics are relevant for all companies across the board, such as Greenhouse Gas emissions and Job Creation, amongst others, whilst others are industry-specific, such as Gentrification.

Access to (Accurate) InformationA company's ability to ensure broad and accurate access to its services, specifically in the context of accurate and unbiased information.
Access to Education & TrainingA company’s ability to ensure broad access to education and skills through its products and services, specifically in the context of underserved population groups.
Access to Underserved CommunitiesA company’s ability to ensure broad access to its products and services, specifically in the context of underserved population groups.
Adverse Health Impacts from Products or ServicesIssues directly related to the negative customer health concerns over the consumption of the company's products and services.
Adverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesEnvironmental externalities, including air emissions, soil pollution, and water contamination, can affect the human health of those living near the company's operations.
AffordabilityA company’s ability to provide affordable products and services, specifically in the context of underserved population groups.
Business EthicsThis aims to capture scandals that have had a significant social or environmental impact. It entails a significant breach in standards for morally right and wrong conduct in business, demonstrating that the effect goes beyond government control regarding ethical conduct that causes significant harm. There should be clear proof of wrongdoings and direct impact.
Money LaunderingCompanies laundering money for their own personal gains.
BriberyCompanies paying bribes for their own gains
Anti-Competitive BehaviourIssues associated with the existence of monopolies and management of legal and social expectations around monopolistic and anti-competitive practices.
Clean Mobility SolutionsPositive environmental impacts of clean mobility alternatives from providing substantial technological solutions created and adopted by companies to accelerate the transition towards cleaner mobility.
Customer WelfareSocial issues arising from misleading and deceiving consumers through discriminatory or predatory selling and lending practices, overcharging, deceitful policy benefits, and others.
Data Security & PrivacyThe voluntary collection, retention, and use of sensitive, confidential, and/or proprietary customer or user data. It includes social issues from selling data to other companies for targeted advertisements and other means.
Digital Environmental SolutionsThe direct and intended impact of a company's products and/or services that allow individuals and other businesses to enjoy environmental solutions through digital means.
Digital Social SolutionsThe direct and intended impact of a company's products and/or services that allow individuals and other businesses to enjoy social solutions through digital means.
Employee Gender DiversityThe practice and policy of a company providing equal access to opportunities and resources in its workforce for women.
Employee InclusionThe practice and policy of a company providing equal access to opportunities and resources in its workforce for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized.
Environmental Impacts from Food WasteFood loss and waste represent a loss of resources used in food production, which include land, water, labor, energy, agricultural chemicals, and GHG emissions. It also contributes to food insecurity and represents a financial burden.
Environmental Impacts from Material SourcingDifferent industries rely on various materials as critical inputs for their finished products, having various environmental impacts.
Environmental SolutionsProducts or services created by a company that have positive ecological impacts. It includes the impacts of products/services that allow individuals and other businesses to consume energy more efficiently and reduce electricity consumption, to manage waste more efficiently and sustainability, and water efficiency technology, amongst others.
Financial ExcessThe topic addresses the company’s impacts through its lending and other banking practices, which are designed to create debt and put customers under long-term financial risk. This includes predatory lending practices and issuing credit cards to vulnerable individuals.
GentrificationThis topic addresses the socio-economic and broader effects associated with gentrification. Gentrification can lead to unaffordable housing, loss of livelihood, mental health issues, etc.
GHG EmissionsThe 7 GHG emissions a company generates through its operations (Scope 1, 2, and 3).
Human RightsThis topic addresses a company's involvement in human rights violations, including but not limited to livelihood destructions, land-grabbing, systematic discrimination, violence, human trafficking, and forced displacement. These acts stem from a company's direct involvement in any activity that hinders peoples' and communities' intrinsic rights and complicity through any acts of human rights violations committed by third parties.
Job CreationCompanies contribute to prosperity through job creation (quantity and quality of jobs).
Labour PracticesThe company’s ability to uphold commonly accepted labor standards in the workplace, including compliance with labor laws and internationally accepted norms and standards.
Landscape AlterationLand use for exploration, natural resource extraction, chemical management, and cultivation, as well as project development, construction, and siting, results in negative ecological impacts.
Operational Waste ProductionEnvironmental issues are associated with hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated by companies' operations.
Operational Water ConsumptionA company’s water use, water consumption, and other impacts of operations on water resources may be influenced by regional differences in the availability, quality, and competition for water resources.
OverconsumptionThe lifespan of apparel, footwear, and accessories has significantly decreased due to fast fashion and other motives leading to overconsumption. The excessive purchasing of products, which are often low-priced goods of low quality, may lead to adverse social impacts. This includes but is not limited to dissatisfaction and financial losses.
Positive Health Impacts from Products or ServicesThe ability of companies to positively impact their consumers' health through the products they sell. Catering to specific diets and health requirements can help reduce health conditions.
Product End-of-Life WasteEnvironmental issues associated with hazardous and non-hazardous waste generated from end-of-life of products. It includes the impacts of products, such as packaging or end-of-life. The company's impact lies in the absolute amount of products sold and whether the products can easily be recycled.
Product Quality & SafetyIssues involving unintended characteristics of products sold or services provided may create health or safety risks to end-users or can offer manufactured products and/or services that meet customer expectations regarding their health and safety characteristics.
Promote or Hinder Gender Equality or Inclusion through Products or ServicesHow companies can drive diversity and inclusion of women and minorities through their products and services.
R&D SolutionsThe impact of a company’s research and development (R&D) that allow individuals to benefit from new medical advancements.
Renewable Energy SolutionsThe impact of p/s that allow individuals and other businesses to produce, store and distribute renewable energy, ultimately driving the energy transition.
SME EmpowermentCompanies can empower Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in its supply chain. Empowerment and facilitating access to livelihoods can be addressed mainly through the company's core business activities.
Social SolutionsThis topic addresses the impact of a company's products and services that allow individuals and other businesses to enjoy social solutions. This is about the direct and intended impact of the products or services offered by the company. The solutions can range from providing access to clean and safe drinking water and sanitation solutions in the form of equipment, infrastructure, and services, enhanced safety, smart mobility, amongst others.
Supply Chain EmpowermentThis topic deals with indigenous/local people’s resources, skills, knowledge, endowments, and food insecurity programs that relate to one’s dignity and betterment of living standards.
TaxesThe amount the company has paid in taxes compared to the 'effective tax rates' imposed by the country where the company is based.
Water PollutionEnvironmental harm caused by wastewater and other forms of discharge released into the environment results in aquatic ecosystem pollution.
Workforce Health & SafetyDiscusses the most critical hazards associated with the industries and includes calculations on the absolute impacts of injuries, illnesses, accidents, and fatalities.

Core Business Impact Topics

Each company has a Core Business Analysis, which addresses the primary and direct benefit for society through the products or services offered. These analyses assess the impact of these products or services the company offers on fundamental needs (i.e., health, mobility, productivity, etc.).

The Core Business analyses do not include the positive or negative externalities of the company’s products and services (e.g., pollution during the manufacturing process, job creation, product waste, etc.) as these topics are covered in separate analyses.

The Impact Category will always be 'Products' for these Core Business Impact analyses.

Multiline and Specialty Retailers & DistributorsAccess to Consumer GoodsSDG 9Basic Needs
Advertising & MarketingAccess to Data/InformationSDG 8Well-being
Professional & Commercial ServicesAccess to Data/InformationSDG 9Well-being
EducationAccess to EducationSDG 4Basic Needs
BiofuelsAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Electric Utilities & Power GeneratorsAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Fuel Cells & Industrial BatteriesAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Gas Utilities & DistributorsAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Oil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Oil & Gas - MidstreamAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Oil & Gas - Refining & MarketingAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Oil & Gas - ServicesAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Solar Technology & Project DevelopersAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Wind Technology & Project DevelopersAccess to EnergySDG 7Basic Needs
Food Retailers & DistributorsAccess to FoodSDG 2Basic Needs
RestaurantsAccess to FoodSDG 2Basic Needs
Drug RetailersAccess to HealthcareSDG 3Basic Needs
Health Care DeliveryAccess to HealthcareSDG 3Basic Needs
Health Care DistributorsAccess to HealthcareSDG 3Basic Needs
Managed CareAccess to HealthcareSDG 3Basic Needs
Appliance ManufacturingAccess to Home EssentialsSDG 11Basic Needs
Building Products & FurnishingsAccess to Home EssentialsSDG 11Basic Needs
E-CommerceAccess to Online Goods or ServicesSDG 9Well-being
Internet Media & ServicesAccess to Online Goods or ServicesSDG 9Well-being
ChemicalsAccess to Processed MaterialsSDG 9Basic Needs
Commercial BanksAccess to PropertySDG 11Basic Needs
Mortgage FinanceAccess to PropertySDG 11Basic Needs
Coal OperationsAccess to Raw/Semi-Finished MaterialsSDG 7Basic Needs
Forestry ManagementAccess to Raw/Semi-Finished MaterialsSDG 9Basic Needs
Iron & Steel ProducersAccess to Raw/Semi-Finished MaterialsSDG 9Basic Needs
Metals & MiningAccess to Raw/Semi-Finished MaterialsSDG 9Basic Needs
Pulp & Paper ProductsAccess to Raw/Semi-Finished MaterialsSDG 9Basic Needs
Internet Media & ServicesAccess to TravelSDG 9Well-being
Software & IT ServicesAccess to TravelSDG 9Well-being
Water Utilities & ServicesAccess to WaterSDG 6Basic Needs
Construction MaterialsBuild the WorldSDG 11Basic Needs
Engineering & Construction ServicesBuild the WorldSDG 11Basic Needs
Industrial Machinery & GoodsBuild the WorldSDG 11Basic Needs
Internet Media & ServicesConnecting PeopleSDG 9Basic Needs
Software & IT ServicesConnecting PeopleSDG 9Basic Needs
Telecommunication ServicesConnecting PeopleSDG 9Basic Needs
Biotechnology & PharmaceuticalsCure the WorldSDG 3Basic Needs
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentCure the WorldSDG 3Basic Needs
Medical Equipment & SuppliesCure the WorldSDG 3Basic Needs
HardwareDigital ConnectivitySDG 9Basic Needs
Internet Media & ServicesEducate/InformSDG 16Basic Needs
Media & EntertainmentEducate/InformSDG 16Basic Needs
Internet Media & ServicesEnabling Business GrowthSDG 9Decent Work
Consumer FinanceEnabling the Cashless EconomySDG 8Well-being
Software & IT ServicesEnabling the Cashless EconomySDG 8Well-being
Alcoholic BeveragesEnjoymentSDG 3Well-being
Casinos & GamingEnjoymentSDG 3Well-being
Cruise LinesEnjoymentSDG 9Well-being
Hotels & LodgingEnjoymentSDG 3Well-being
Leisure FacilitiesEnjoymentSDG 3Well-being
Non-Alcoholic BeveragesEnjoymentSDG 3Well-being
TobaccoEnjoymentSDG 3Well-being
Toys & Sporting GoodsEnjoymentSDG 3Well-being
HardwareEntertainmentSDG 3Well-being
Internet Media & ServicesEntertainmentSDG 3Well-being
Media & EntertainmentEntertainmentSDG 3Well-being
Software & IT ServicesEntertainmentSDG 3Well-being
Agricultural ProductsFeed the WorldSDG 2Basic Needs
Meat, Poultry & DairyFeed the WorldSDG 2Basic Needs
Processed FoodsFeed the WorldSDG 2Basic Needs
Commercial BanksFinancing the EconomySDG 8Decent Work
Investment Banking & BrokerageFinancing the EconomySDG 8Decent Work
Security & Commodity ExchangesFinancing the EconomySDG 8Decent Work
Household & Personal ProductsHygiene and SanitationSDG 3Basic Needs
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentIlluminate/Electrify the WorldSDG 9Basic Needs
Air Freight & LogisticsMobility of GoodsSDG 9Basic Needs
Marine TransportationMobility of GoodsSDG 9Basic Needs
Rail TransportationMobility of GoodsSDG 9Basic Needs
Road TransportationMobility of GoodsSDG 9Basic Needs
AirlinesMobility of PeopleSDG 11Basic Needs
Auto PartsMobility of PeopleSDG 11Basic Needs
AutomobilesMobility of PeopleSDG 11Basic Needs
Car Rental & LeasingMobility of PeopleSDG 11Basic Needs
Rail TransportationMobility of PeopleSDG 11Basic Needs
Aerospace & DefenseMobilitySDG 11Basic Needs
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentMobilitySDG 11Basic Needs
Professional & Commercial ServicesMobilitySDG 11Basic Needs
Containers & PackagingPackage the WorldSDG 9Well-being
Apparel, Accessories & FootwearPhysical & Mental Well-BeingSDG 3Well-being
Toys & Sporting GoodsPhysical & Mental Well-BeingSDG 3Well-being
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentProductivitySDG 8Well-being
Electronic Manufacturing Services & Original Design ManufacturingProductivitySDG 8Well-being
HardwareProductivitySDG 8Well-being
Professional & Commercial ServicesProductivitySDG 8Well-being
SemiconductorsProductivitySDG 9Well-being
Software & IT ServicesProductivitySDG 9Well-being
Aerospace & DefenseProtect PeopleSDG 16Basic Needs
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentProtect PeopleSDG 16Well-being
InsuranceProtect PeopleSDG 3Well-being
Professional & Commercial ServicesProtect PeopleSDG 16Well-being
Software & IT ServicesProtect PeopleSDG 16Well-being
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentRegulating Temperature for Well-beingSDG 3Well-being
Home BuildersShelter the WorldSDG 11Basic Needs
Real EstateShelter the WorldSDG 11Basic Needs
Real Estate ServicesShelter the WorldSDG 11Basic Needs
Apparel, Accessories & FootwearSocial Recognition & ExpressionSDG 3Well-being
Waste ManagementTreating WasteSDG 12Basic Needs
Asset Management & Custody ActivitiesWealth CreationSDG 8Well-being

(Digital) Environmental & Social Solutions

The SDG and ILG theme will depend on the impact described in each analysis. Please pick the most relevant one.

The Impact Category will always remain 'Products.'

For coherence, we have identified the SDG and ILG most commonly used in already published analyses, as written in the table.

Aerospace & DefenseEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Construction MaterialsEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Engineering & Construction ServicesEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Industrial Machinery & GoodsEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Professional & Commercial ServicesEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Pulp & Paper ProductsEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Waste ManagementEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Water Utilities & ServicesEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Auto PartsSocial SolutionsSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentSocial SolutionsSDG 8Basic NeedsProducts
Industrial Machinery & GoodsSocial SolutionsSDG 8Basic NeedsProducts
Professional & Commercial ServicesSocial SolutionsSDG 8Basic NeedsProducts
Agricultural ProductsEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Auto PartsEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
SemiconductorsEnvironmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Software & IT ServicesDigital Environmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Telecommunication ServicesDigital Environmental SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
HardwareDigital Social SolutionsSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Software & IT ServicesDigital Social SolutionsSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Telecommunication ServicesDigital Social SolutionsSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts

Frameworks that apply to all industries

Access to (Accurate) InformationSDG 16Well-beingProducts
Adverse Health Impacts from Products or ServicesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Data Security & PrivacySDG 16Well-beingProcesses
Employee Gender DiversitySDG 5Decent WorkProcesses
Employee InclusionSDG 10Decent WorkProcesses
Environmental Impacts from Food WasteSDG 12Resource SecurityProducts
Environmental Impacts from Material SourcingSDG 15Healthy EcosystemProcesses
Job CreationSDG 8Decent WorkProcesses
Labour PracticesSDG 8Decent WorkProcesses
Landscape AlterationSDG 15Healthy EcosystemProcesses
Operational Waste ProductionSDG 12Resource SecurityProcesses
Operational Water ConsumptionSDG 6Healthy EcosystemProcesses
Product End-of-Life WasteSDG 12Resource SecurityProducts
Promote or Hinder Gender Equality or Inclusion through Products or ServicesSDG 10Well-beingProducts
SME EmpowermentSDG 8Decent WorkProducts
Supply Chain EmpowermentSDG 1Basic NeedsProcesses
TaxesSDG 17Well-beingTaxes & Philanthropy
Water PollutionSDG 14Healthy EcosystemProcesses
Workforce Health & SafetySDG 8Decent WorkProcesses
Renewable Energy SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
R&D SolutionsSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Money LaunderingSDG 16Well-beingProcesses
BriberySDG 16Well-beingProcesses
Anti-Competitive BehaviourSDG 16Well-beingProcesses
Positive Health Impacts from Products or ServicesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts

Frameworks that are industry-specific

HardwareAccess to Education & TrainingSDG 10Basic NeedsTaxes & Philanthropy
Professional & Commercial ServicesAccess to Education & TrainingSDG 10Basic NeedsTaxes & Philanthropy
Software & IT ServicesAccess to Education & TrainingSDG 4Basic NeedsTaxes & Philanthropy
Telecommunication ServicesAccess to Education & TrainingSDG 4Basic NeedsTaxes & Philanthropy
Biotechnology & PharmaceuticalsAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Consumer FinanceAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 1Basic NeedsProducts
Drug RetailersAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
EducationAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 4Basic NeedsProducts
Health Care DeliveryAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Health Care DistributorsAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Managed CareAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Medical Equipment & SuppliesAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Professional & Commercial ServicesAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 1Basic NeedsProducts
Real EstateAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 10Basic NeedsProducts
Solar Technology & Project DevelopersAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 10Basic NeedsProducts
Water Utilities & ServicesAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 10Basic NeedsProducts
Wind Technology & Project DevelopersAccess to Underserved CommunitiesSDG 10Basic NeedsProducts
Air Freight & LogisticsAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
AirlinesAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
AutomobilesAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
BiofuelsAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
ChemicalsAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Coal OperationsAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Construction MaterialsAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Iron & Steel ProducersAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Marine TransportationAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Meat, Poultry & DairyAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Metals & MiningAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Oil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Oil & Gas - MidstreamAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Oil & Gas - Refining & MarketingAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
Road TransportationAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Waste ManagementAdverse Health Impacts on CommunitiesSDG 3Basic NeedsProcesses
AirlinesAffordabilitySDG 11Well-beingProducts
Apparel, Accessories & FootwearAffordabilitySDG 1Basic NeedsProducts
AutomobilesAffordabilitySDG 11Basic NeedsProducts
Biotechnology & PharmaceuticalsAffordabilitySDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Car Rental & LeasingAffordabilitySDG 11Well-beingProducts
Construction MaterialsAffordabilitySDG 11Basic NeedsProducts
Consumer FinanceAffordabilitySDG 8Basic NeedsProducts
EducationAffordabilitySDG 4Basic NeedsProducts
Electric Utilities & Power GeneratorsAffordabilitySDG 7Basic NeedsProducts
Gas Utilities & DistributorsAffordabilitySDG 7Basic NeedsProducts
Health Care DeliveryAffordabilitySDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Home BuildersAffordabilitySDG 11Basic NeedsProducts
Hotels & LodgingAffordabilitySDG 11Well-beingProducts
Household & Personal ProductsAffordabilitySDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Medical Equipment & SuppliesAffordabilitySDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Processed FoodsAffordabilitySDG 2Basic NeedsProducts
Rail TransportationAffordabilitySDG 11Basic NeedsProducts
Road TransportationAffordabilitySDG 11Basic NeedsProducts
Solar Technology & Project DevelopersAffordabilitySDG 7Basic NeedsProducts
Telecommunication ServicesAffordabilitySDG 9Basic NeedsProducts
Water Utilities & ServicesAffordabilitySDG 6Basic NeedsProducts
AutomobilesClean Mobility SolutionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
InsuranceCustomer WelfareSDG 3Basic NeedsProducts
Commercial BanksFinancial ExcessSDG 9Well-beingProcesses
Real EstateGentrificationSDG 9Well-beingProcesses
Advertising & MarketingGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Aerospace & DefenseGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Agricultural ProductsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Air Freight & LogisticsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
AirlinesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Alcoholic BeveragesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Apparel, Accessories & FootwearGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Appliance ManufacturingGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Asset Management & Custody ActivitiesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Auto PartsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
AutomobilesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
BiofuelsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Biotechnology & PharmaceuticalsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Building Products & FurnishingsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Car Rental & LeasingGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Casinos & GamingGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
ChemicalsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Coal OperationsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Commercial BanksGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Construction MaterialsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Consumer FinanceGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Containers & PackagingGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Cruise LinesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Drug RetailersGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
E-CommerceGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
EducationGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Electric Utilities & Power GeneratorsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Electrical & Electronic EquipmentGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Electronic Manufacturing Services & Original Design ManufacturingGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Engineering & Construction ServicesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Food Retailers & DistributorsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Forestry ManagementGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Fuel Cells & Industrial BatteriesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Gas Utilities & DistributorsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
HardwareGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Health Care DeliveryGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Health Care DistributorsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Home BuildersGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Hotels & LodgingGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Household & Personal ProductsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Industrial Machinery & GoodsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
InsuranceGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Internet Media & ServicesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Investment Banking & BrokerageGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Iron & Steel ProducersGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Leisure FacilitiesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Managed CareGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Marine TransportationGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Meat, Poultry & DairyGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Media & EntertainmentGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Medical Equipment & SuppliesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Metals & MiningGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Mortgage FinanceGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Multiline and Specialty Retailers & DistributorsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Non-Alcoholic BeveragesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Oil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Oil & Gas - MidstreamGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Oil & Gas - Refining & MarketingGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Oil & Gas - ServicesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProducts
Processed FoodsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Professional & Commercial ServicesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Pulp & Paper ProductsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Rail TransportationGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Real EstateGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Real Estate ServicesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
RestaurantsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Road TransportationGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Security & Commodity ExchangesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
SemiconductorsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Software & IT ServicesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Solar Technology & Project DevelopersGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Telecommunication ServicesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
TobaccoGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Toys & Sporting GoodsGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Waste ManagementGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Water Utilities & ServicesGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Wind Technology & Project DevelopersGHG EmissionsSDG 13Climate StabilityProcesses
Aerospace & DefenseHuman RightsSGD 16Basic NeedsProducts
Agricultural ProductsHuman RightsSGD 16Basic NeedsProcesses
Coal OperationsHuman RightsSGD 16Basic NeedsProcesses
Forestry ManagementHuman RightsSGD 16Basic NeedsProcesses
Metals & MiningHuman RightsSGD 16Basic NeedsProcesses
Oil & Gas - Exploration & ProductionHuman RightsSGD 16Basic NeedsProcesses
SemiconductorsHuman RightsSGD 16Basic NeedsProcesses
Apparel, Accessories & FootwearOverconsumptionSDG 12Well-beingProcesses


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Step 1: Understand Impact

Learn to assess the different dimensions of impact

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With the right investment companies having a positive impact on the planet are able to flourish. Our community forms part of that mission by measuring their impact.

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