Ask yourself:
How does the effect compare and contribute to what is likely to occur anyway?
1. Grocery stores are supposed to follow strict food safety policies to ensure consumers are not exposed to any risks. In that sense, the effect is negative.
2. The average farmer in the region earns just $1.50 or less per day, which is below the poverty line. Therefore, these efforts have a positive impact on the long-term livelihoods of farmers.
Ask yourself:
Which risk factors are material? And how likely is the effect different from the expectation?
1. This indicates violations of the company’s safety policies and exposes consumers to health hazards. With around 128,000 hospitalizations and 3,000 per year in the US due to food poisoning, these incidents have the potential to harm even more customers.
2. So far, only 14,780 farmers have been trained, which is quite positive. However, the program pays less attention to women’s group formation.