Operational Waste Production
The Impaakt Team
8 min Read Time | March 21st 2023
Key Takeaways
Get familiar with the 5 steps to get started as an Impaakt rater
Before building skills for a specific topic, make sure to read our Knowledge Center: Rating for Impaakt. This resource outlines the 5 steps necessary to get started as a rater and provides key information about our metrics. By going through this guide, you will ensure that you are well-informed to provide accurate ratings on any given topic.
How to rate the topic
Value is the absolute impact the topic has on the planet or society. To assess the value you need to think about how positive or negative you consider the topic and the impact described.
The value is linked to the topic treated and not to the company’s specific impact. Thus, the value should hold some consistency across industries.
When deciding your rating on the value, ask yourself:
How negative do you consider impacts related to operational waste production, like soil and water pollution, to be?
Note: Due to the nature of this topic, it should be rated negative or strongly negative.
The scale is related to the company’s impact. It consists of three dimensions: Breadth, Depth, and Persistence.
The breadth captures the range or extent of the company’s impact and it is related to the quantitative part of the analysis. For this topic, the breadth is multi-dimensional and can be addressed from different angles considering what is disclosed in the analysis.
When deciding the breadth, answer the following questions:
How vast is the company’s impact?
How much unsustainably managed waste was generated by the company?
How much of the waste was hazardous and non-hazardous?
Depth is related to the complexity and profundity of the impact described (i.e., it's related to the extent of the impact).
When deciding the depth, answer the following questions:
How profound is the impact?
How severe is the impact caused by the company’s waste?
What type of waste is the company improperly managing and how is this waste affecting ecosystems?
Persistence evaluates the impact of the company over time (i.e., is linked to the duration of the impact described)
When deciding the persistence, answer the following questions:
How long-lasting is the impact described?
How long will the landfilled waste take to decompose?
How has the company managed its waste over time?
Have the amounts of waste that are unsustainably disposed of by the company increased over the years?
How long will it take for the altered ecosystem to recover?
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With the right investment companies having a positive impact on the planet are able to flourish. Our community forms part of that mission by measuring their impact.