How to Contribute - Frequently Asked Questions

The Impaakt Team

9 min Read Time | June 9th 2022

We've compiled a list of some of the most frequently asked questions our team receives regarding the Certified Impact Rater training and use of the platform.

Hopefully, you can find your answer here, but if not get in touch at

1. Is the Impact Rater Certification and the use of the platform free of charge?

Both the Impact Rater Certification and the use of the platform are completely free of charge.

As you become a certified Impact Rater, you can access the platform under the Read & Rater plan, which allows you to access all our impact analyses for free, as long as you rate the analyses that you read.

If you aren’t certified as an Impact Rater, you can still access advanced impact data from 10 sample companies, highlighted in gold on the platform, for free.

2. How can I change my webinar date?

If you can’t attend the webinar you registered for, feel free to sign up for the next one using this link, or watch the recording of the webinar whenever you find it convenient.

3. I can’t find the follow-up email mentioned during the Impact Rater webinar, what should I do ?

Sometimes, these emails can end up in your spam folder. We recommend first checking there and then getting back to us by email at if you still can’t find it.

4. Can I use a different email address on the platform for the assignments than the one used for the webinar?

You can, but it’s not ideal. We recommend using the same email address for all your interactions with Impaakt, in order to optimize your experience, and make sure our system recognises you at each step of the process.

5. Where can I find the slides used during the Impact Rater webinar ?

You can either click on this link or access the training slides directly on the platform by clicking on your name in the top right corner, then selecting "My profile", then "My Training Space", then “Review the training slides”.

6. How can I keep track of the ratings I have already completed ?

You can track your progress directly on the platform by clicking on your name in the top right corner, then selecting "My profile", then "My Training Space". There, you’ll see the number of ratings you’ve completed so far, and how many there are left to complete your assignment.

7. I have finished my assignment of rating 30 analyses, what should I do?

Once you’ve successfully passed the exam (score of >70/100), and completed the 30 ratings assignment, you have officially completed the requirements to earn your official Impact Rater certificate. When this happens, kindly wait for your certificate, we certify qualifying candidates by email every Friday afternoon (CET).

As the next step, we strongly encourage you to:

  • Keep rating analyses to gain new knowledge and make a tangible contribution by co-building the most extensive database of companies' social & environmental impacts

  • Become an active member of our growing community of impact makers, who you can interact with and learn from, by joining our Rater Collective on Slack

  • Show your digital Impact Rater certificate on your CV and LinkedIn profile

8. Is there a deadline to complete the 30 ratings assignment ?

You can take all the time you need, but we recommend completing the assignment within 2 weeks following the webinar to ensure the quality of your ratings.

9. When will I receive my Impact Rater Certificate ?

We certify all new impact raters every Friday afternoon CET.

Once you complete all the criteria to get the certification (score of > 70/100 at the rater’s entry exam & completed the 30 ratings), kindly wait until the upcoming Friday to receive your certification.

10. Can I receive an Impact Rater certificate for attending the webinar ?

We do not provide any attendance certificates. You will only receive a certificate once you successfully pass the rater’s entry exam (score of > 70/100) and complete the 30 ratings assignment.

11. How can I change my name or email address in my profile ?

You can change any personal information directly on the platform. Kindly login to the Impaakt platform, click on your name & picture in the top right corner, go to "My settings", then "Change Profile". Feel free to change or add any personal information.

12. Are you still offering the Impact Analyst Certification program ?

After successfully running this training program for almost 3 years, we have decided to temporarily suspend the Analyst Certification due to a large number of writers who have already joined our community. However, you can register to get notified by us via email when the Certified Impact Analyst Training is back running here.

We are now focusing our efforts on the Certified Impact Rater training, where you can learn how to assess the social and environmental impacts of thousands of companies worldwide, holding them accountable for their actions.

13. How can I report errors, suggest edits, or flag inappropriate content in published analyses ?

If you spot any abusive content or would like to make any suggestions, please click on the “Report issue” feature, highlighted in red and located on the left side of the analysis, under the reviewer’s name.

14. How can I report a bug on the platform ?

Kindly send us an email at describing the bug and the steps you undertook that led you to the issue. Feel free to include screenshots if necessary.

Our tech team will be happy to assist you in resolving the issue and improving the platform.

15. How can I provide some feedback or suggestions to the Impaakt team ?

We are always happy to get some feedback. Feel free to fill in this feedback form or send us an email at


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