WOW Impact Analysis Endesa Coal Poluution

"Endesa’s coal plants pollute the air...”

Faye Turner

9 min Read Time | October 24th 2020

Best impact analysis

Pollution by coal plants causes 23,000 premature deaths in the EU - learn more about Endesa and their part.

Read on to find this week's article given the 'Weekly Outstanding Work' award!

Thanks for checking out this week's WOW - an award that champions our top community writers.

As you may know, Impaakt is a community of people coming together to write about the impact of businesses on the planet. Our community then go on to make ratings of these articles, and this goes toward building our company impact scores. It is so important that we do this work in order to be able to properly measure their impact and hold companies to account.

Each week we select the top pieces of work that deserve to be highlighted, it could be that they cover a particularly important topic, perhaps something that has been overlooked before, perhaps they come from an innovative angle, either way they demonstrate the high-quality writing skills of our community.

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Without further ado, here is this week's winner.

WOW Impact Analysis Endesa Coal Poluution

"Endesa’s coal plants pollute the air by emitting high levels of SO2, NOx, mercury, and coal dust”

Written by
: Benazir Thanveer
Company: Endesa
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

Feedback from the reviewing team:

"We felt that Benazir covered the topic of Endesa's air pollution with a high level of detail providing some excellent sources and an important comparison of its peer's emissions. A well-researched piece worthy of the award this week."

Read the full impact analysis below and ensure you login or sign-up to make your ratings about the impact the topic in this analysis has on the planet and society.

Coal Pollution Endesa

"Endesa’s coal plants pollute the air by emitting high levels of SO2, NOx, mercury, and coal dust."

Every year, pollution by coal plants causes 23,000 premature deaths in the EU1. Coal mining activities emit SO2, NOx, coal dust, and mercury, which are detrimental to human health and cause air pollution3.

SO2 exposure can impair the functioning of the heart and lungs2. High levels of NOX can cause fluid build-up in the lungs2. Mercury vapors have toxic effects on the lungs, kidneys, nervous, immune, and digestive systems4. In the EU, the total SOx emissions were 2.3 million tonnes, and NOx emissions were 7.5 million tonnes in 20179. In 2016, the mercury emissions to air were 60 tonnes in the EU10;p52.

Endesa is one of the biggest energy companies in Spain and is one of the largest air polluters as it emits NOx, SO2, particle dust, and mercury.5;p44,. In 2019, the company’s specific SO2 emission was 0.43 g/kWh5;p256, and specific NOx emission was 0.94 g/kWh5;p44. In the same year, its specific particle emission was 0.02 g/kWh, and specific mercury emission was 0.001 mg/kWh5;p44.

According to International Institute of Law and Environment (IIDMA), air pollution has caused 1,529 premature deaths and 914 hospital admissions in Spain6. Besides, the coal plants in Spain caused 2,066 bronchitis cases and 20,112 days of asthma symptoms in asthmatic children6. Massimiliano Patierno, an environmental engineer of IIDMA, has said that the health impacts affect the whole of Spain not just the areas in close proximity to the coal-fired plants6.

Iberdrola’s pollutant levels are lower in comparison with Endesa’s emission levels due to their progression towards green energy production7. In 2019, its specific SO2 emission was 0.011 g/kWh, specific NOx emission was 0.326 g/kWh8;p209, and specific particle emission was 0.0007 g/kWh8;p210.

Endesa’s coal mining activities emit SO2, NOx, coal dust, and mercury, which cause severe air pollution. Endesa should follow companies like Iberdola and completely shift towards green energy to reduce their pollution impact.


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