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"Presently, VW is enabling convenient & comfortable mobility to at least 107M people."

The Impaakt Team

7 min Read Time | August 13th 2021

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Written by: Soumya K

Company: Volkswagen

SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Read the full article below.

"Presently, VW is enabling convenient & comfortable mobility to at least 107M people."

Transportation allows people to reach places faster, easier, and safer1. Today, private cars, taxis, or car-sharing/on-demand services account for more than 70% of journeys2. Each year, an average European rides a total of 12,000 km in a car of which 6,000 km are work-related2. Cars provide people access to jobs and services that are far from their homes3, thus, reducing the dependency on poorly linked public transport and allowing people to settle down in places of their choice1. Cars allow convenience1, give freedom to people to go anywhere anytime they want3, thus, redefining social interactions1 and increasing leisure/recreational activities3.

Volkswagen (VW) means “People’s car” in German and VW was founded in Germany to provide affordable and quality cars4. To date, it delivers practical, durable, and fairly priced cars that are accessible to many4. Of the 63.8 million (M) cars sold around the world in 20205, 5.33M (8.35%) cars were delivered by VW6. The highest deliveries were made in China (3.85M)7. Of the top five models sold in China (in terms of volume), three were VW cars in 20208, which shows its affordability in China.

An average car’s life expectancy is 11 years9. Between 2010-20, 777.6M cars were sold globally5, of which 107.18M were sold by VW6,10;p111. Thus, 13.78% of cars presently on roads may be delivered by VW. VW is enabling reliable, convenient, and comfortable mobility to at least 107 million people.

Since its inception, VW has delivered a very high number of cars that eased the lives of millions, thus, creating a positive impact on the quality of their lives.

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